文本我们 打电话给我们



长期以来,卡车运输业在安全方面的声誉一直不佳. 由于对卡车司机的要求, 许多人在长途运输货物时被激励做出不安全的选择. 当卡车司机做出不安全的选择时, 比如开车太长时间没有休息, 他们周围乘用车里的人的生命处于危险之中. 当一辆卡车和一辆汽车发生事故时 受伤 and fatality rates for the passenger vehicle involved skyrocket because of the disparity in the size and weight of the truck when compared to that of the car.


肖邦律师事务所 takes great pride in being able to represent the rights of those who have been injured in a severe truck accident. 由于涉及的当事人很多,卡车事故案件往往涉及复杂的诉讼. 这起事故可能不仅仅是司机的责任, 而是整个货运公司, 或其他实体参与制造或维护. Our team can investigate all avenues of liability in order to pursue maximum compensation on your behalf.

联系肖邦律师事务所有限责任公司 (504) 475-2429 对于一个 免费案例评估 ! 我们365bet平台的卡车事故律师会为你顽强抗争. 我们有超过100年的集体经验作为后盾.


卡车事故可以追溯到许多不同的原因. Our skilled attorneys know exactly what to look for in the investigation process and can help you begin your journey to 只是补偿.


The extent of your personal injuries and the cause of the truck accident will highly influence the amount of compensation you may be eligible to receive following an accident.


卡车事故的后果可能是混乱的. Remember to remain calm and follow the right steps in order to protect your health and your truck accident claim.


  • 报警 这样就可以提交报告了.
  • 就医. 即使你没有感到受伤,你也应该确保医生给你做了检查. Not all injuries show up at first, which is why you should have a doctor monitor your condition.
  • 收集证据. 如果你有能力, 试着把现场和你受伤的地方拍下来, 获取证人证词, 以及其他相关证据.
  • 和律师谈谈. Truck accident claims can be complicated, so you should file your claim with the help of an attorney.

受伤的? 请致电肖邦律师事务所有限责任公司 (504) 475-2429!

The sooner that you can get an experienced New Orleans truck accident lawyer involved in your case, 你获得赔偿的机会就越大. Trucking companies are notorious for hiding evidence and shifting fault until determining liability becomes more and more complex. 在肖邦律师事务所, 在彻底调查你的情况后,让我们的团队维护你的权利.

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